So why is alcohol and binge drinking so popular? Alcohol is the world’s oldest and most popular recreational drug, and the consumption of alcohol in continuing to increase throughout our population with 50 percent of adults claiming to be regular users in most Western countries (McHugh 4). Alcohol is found almost everywhere and is so easily accessible, which factors into why it is such a common choice. With several different varieties and types to choose from including wine, spirits, liqueurs, and beer, it is easy for an individual to find something they like. Companies and manufacturers are also attempting to make drinks that are more appealing to the younger crowd as well as women. The media plays a large role in the way alcohol is portrayed and its popularity. It is often shown in movies or advertisements that alcohol is used in party scenes and the individuals drinking are having a great time. Alcohol has been developed into our society almost as a culture, where it is used to celebrate occasions, turn to when things do not go well, and generally used as a pastime. Many teenagers and young adults use alcohol to socialize, whether it is for drinking games, partying or going out to clubs and bars. Drinking games tend to result in binge drinking because they promote mass consumption in very short periods of time. This include activities such as beer pong, flip cup, king’s cup, never have I ever and more. These are all very commonly known games that lead to heavy drinking, but since they occur so often at parties and make it easier for people to interact amongst each other, most people choose to participate rather than not. Aside from the enjoyment of the games, some choose to participate or just binge drink to show dominance or increase