My website will feature my assignments that are based on the theme of substance abuse and binge drinking. I chose this social issue as a topic because I strongly believe it is a common problem that individuals need to be more wary of to incite further change in order to save lives. It has been fatal to members of our society all over the world for a long time, and will continue to be a major problem until we collectively as a group take extensive action and measures to prevent the possibilities such as drunk driving and more. I hope that my opinion and views that I have expressed in my written work will create a spark that will change the way you think and your perspective.
About Me
My name is Ben Tran and I am currently a grade 13 student attending Westmount Secondary School with hopes of attending McMaster University for Kinesiology in the fall. I have a passion for sports and working out and like to help push people try to reach their full potential. Along with sports, I enjoy food, sleep, and spending time with friends.
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